Journal Of Nursing and Health (JNH) is Launched in march 2017 with e-ISSN 2549-9866, p-ISSN 2549-9629, an official publication of Lembaga penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (LPPM) Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Bani Saleh, Bekasi. JNH is published two times a year in March and October. Journal of Nursing and Health contributes to the dissemination of information related to health research including Nursing research, Midwifery, pharmacy, and other health research.

JNH Welcomes and invites original and relevant research, as well as a literature study and case report,  study protocol, case studies on a variety of clinical and professional topics.

JNH publishes topics that related (but not limited) to health practice including:

  1. Medical-Surgical Nursing
  2. Mental Health Nursing
  3. Community and Family Nursing
  4. Gerontology Nursing
  5. Pediatric and Maternity Nursing
  6. Basic, Emergency and critical Nursing
  7. Palliative Care and Holistic Care
  8. Nursing education and Management
  9. Midwifery
  10. Pharmacy